How To Remove Common Shoe Stains





One of the worst reasons for soiling shoes isn’t actually snow, rain or mud-it’s all the salt and grit we scatter around the road, leaving residue on the shoes. Therefore, salt is the main reason we walk around wearing strange white rings on our footwear. For men’s leather shoes, wet cloth should remove most of the salt. However, if the shoe leather is softer or suede / textured-you may need to exchange 1/4 cup of water with white vinegar before immersing it in the shoe cloth. Vinegar will definitely help remove any stubborn stains. Afterwards (if your shoes are leather), use high-quality frosting and varnishing on the shoes in the same color as the shoes to restore the color and condition of the shoes to normal.




For suede or leather shoes, the situation becomes tricky once it gets wet. If the stains on the shoes are light, dry the shoes naturally-away from any direct heat sources, such as radiators / fire sources-otherwise they will dry out and damage the leather. If the rain marks are heavy or still noticeable after drying, be sure to try to use high-quality shoe cream and the same shoe color polish (only when the shoes are leather). After 1-2 treatments and sleepless all night, your shoes should start to return to their original state.




If you find that your shoes are covered with mud, or even just spills, wait for the mud to dry completely before you use a shoe brush to brush off the surface. After removing all surface dirt and leaving stains under it, simply apply some mild detergent to the affected area carefully, then gently wipe it to absorb it. After leaving for a few minutes, wipe with a damp cloth and let it air dry. If the shoes are leather, treat them with the same color of cream and polish after the shoes are completely dry to make them look like new shoes.


Coffee/ Dark Drinks


First, when this type of stain occurs-stain, do not rub. Use absorbent paper towels to absorb as much dark stain as possible. (This applies to any dark beverages-coffee, tea, beer, Coca-Cola, etc.) Then clean the affected area with a damp cloth and let it dry naturally. Treat the shoes with the same color of shoe polish and shoe polish (if the shoes are leather). After 1-2 treatments, your shoes should look as good as they were before the “accident”-or even better.

Post time: Jun-02-2021